Saturday, 6 December 2014

Personal Reflection

           Researching for this blog wasn't an easy task. I mean that in two different senses. First off, there was a scarce amount of information, and I wish that I could have dug deeper into this work. My second reasoning for this difficulty was the fact that these sorts of things, rape, abductions, child soldier recruitment, murders, etc; They all happen on a day to day basis in Africa. The people that populate such a broken continent have to face such tragedy every single moment that they live. Women being kidnapped, raped, forced into marriage. Men being attacked, forced into illegal military systems. And children, the most innocent of all, being made to kill one another, being sexually violated before they even know what that type of thing is. 

        As I sit here writing this safe in my home, in my country with women's rights, racial equality, freedom of speech, I find myself reflecting on my own life, and the lives of the people around me. I examine the heart ache and pain that a Canadian citizen would go through, compared to that of an African. One thing is for sure, someone always has it worse. Especially in this case. 


1 comment:

  1. You write with a very clear voice, and, once again, shine a light on a very difficult subject.
